Your Mom / Dad Are At Risk of A Serious UTI Every Day
We’ve all heard the stories about older people who suddenly began having hallucinations or were unable to communicate clearly.
"Suddenly, Mom (age 81) was seeing bugs on the wall & talking gibberish. We rushed her to the ER where they immediately put her on IV antibiotics. We were so relieved to find out that it was a UTI and not dementia."
This is called delirium.
Seniors do not get the "early warning" symptoms of a UTI (burning, pressure to urinate)
The UTI goes undiagnosed and results in delirium
Delirium is a symptom of a serious infection which requires hospitalization
All of this is entirely preventable with a daily scoop of Goodbye UTI D-Mannose Powder!
Symptoms of dementia, now doing great

"My mother-in-law was getting UTI’s all the time which made her have symptoms of dementia. She was very bad. Now with Goodbye powder she is doing great. She hasn't had a flair in 3 months."
–Sandra S
I love this product

"I gave this to my 89-year-old mom! It works! I am so happy that she doesn't have a UTI and she is strong and focused again. I love this product. There is no taste. I can just put it in her shakes or even her water. I plan to order more for maintenance."
-Rebecca W
It is such a relief

"My father is 89 and would often develop symptoms of a UTI. I read about Goodbye UTI in the Caregivers Newsletter, and ordered some for him to try. So far it has helped, it is such a relief to be able to use something natural, instead of just another prescription.....Thank you!"
- Elizabeth T

Adding 1 Scoop of Goodbye UTI D-Mannose Powder a day in water or juice keeps the urinary tract clear.
Simple to use, dissolves instantly, no taste.
Goodbye UTI D-Mannose is Recommended by a Dr of Pharmacy

100% pure natural powder extracted from fruits

More effective than antibiotics

No side effects, no drug interactions
Powder works better than capsules: goes directly to the bladder for maximum impact
Completely dissolves, has no taste
1 scoop a day is all it takes
The D-Mannose sugar molecules attract E. Coli bacteria
Bacteria bind to the molecules and get flushed out with urine

UTI status can be checked at anytime
Test Strips are easy to read
Help understanding results is available at our website. Click here and scroll down to Step 2, Testing
Monthly auto-ship will ensure that they have a daily supply
Or send them a 3-month supply every quarter
Then relax, knowing that they are protected from a sudden attack of delirium

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