MYUTI Advanced Diagnostic Testing

Goodbye UTI has partnered with a testing company known as MYUTI to help you get the most accurate diagnosis available on what’s causing your UTI.
While dipstick tests and urine cultures are routinely used to find out whether you have a UTI, and what type of bacteria is causing it, neither test provides sufficient information for chronic cases. Read more below about how advanced diagnostic testing using DNA analysis is improving the UTI testing landscape.
If you’re suffering from recurring UTIs and want to know how many types of bacteria and other pathogens may be keeping you from recovering, you need to order this test. Take a look at a sample report here.
Order At MYUTI NowUse the code “GOODBYE15OFF” to receive $15 off any purchase over $100.
The MYUTI Kit includes:
o MyUTI Collection Kit
o MyUTI Lab Testing Service
o Free Standard Shipping of Kit to Your Doorstep
o Free Overnight Shipping to Lab (a value of over $30.00)
o HSA/FSA Accepted
How It Works
o Collect your sample at home
o Drop off your package at the closest UPS or FedEx facility
o Report will be delivered to your email within 24-48 hours
o Call your doctor for an appointment to discuss antibiotic treatment
o Or send your report to Goodbye UTI ( and/or call us (617-284-0097) to discuss which natural products will work best for your situation

Why We’re Recommending Advanced Diagnostic Testing
At Goodbye UTI we think it’s important for you to understand and monitor what’s going on in your urinary tract on your own. We want to give you all of the tools and support to do this, including testing and talking to us about your diagnosis so we can figure out the best way to get you better.
Up until now we have provided test strips to help customers know whether or not bacteria are present. But this test does not tell you what bacteria you are dealing with. To find that out, you need a doctor-ordered urine culture which is done at a lab.
Some of our customers get to the point where they have tried all of our natural products and are still experiencing UTI symptoms. We feel responsible for helping them go to the next level of diagnosis, which is why we’ve partnered with MYUTI Testing.
This new PCR advanced test goes well beyond the limitations of the dipstick test and the urine culture. See how below.

Dipstick Test Identifies If UTI Bacteria Are Present
How It Works
A urine sample is collected and a test strip is dipped into the urine sample to determine if bacteria are present.
Goodbye UTI’s three-test dipstick (shown above): These strips are available for purchase at our website so they can be used at home.
The results on the test strip are compared to the label on the bottle (shown above).
The indicators and test results in this dipstick test are most predictive of an E. Coli UTI.
You have a UTI If: both Leukocytes and Nitrites are positive
You do not have an E. Coli UTI if: both Leukocytes and Nitrites are negative.
You have inconclusive results if: Leukocytes are positive and Nitrites are negative.
You are at risk of a UTI if: your urine pH level is above 7 or below 6, indicating that your urine is receptive to bacterial colonization. The ideal pH level is between 6 and 7.
Pros and Cons
Pro: Confirms the presence or absence of bacteria
Con: does not indicate what type of acteria is casing the infection.

Urine Culture Tests Identify Specific Types of Bacteria
How It Works
A small amount of urine is placed on test plates (petri dishes). Bacteria or yeast will grow over a period of 1-3 days. Bacteria growth colonies that have formed are identified and counted to determine
Because E. Coli is the most frequent cause of UTIs, the test is designed to identify these bacteria in relatively large amounts. If it grows, the result is considered positive, and is further processed for drug sensitivity to determine which antibiotic will work best.
Pros and Cons
• Indicates which bacteria are causing the UTI
• Highly accurate for the most common infections, such as E. Coli
• Recommends which antibiotics will work best for identified bacteria
• Requires a doctor visit to provide sample and medical authorization
• Slow, typically 5-7 days for results
• Only looks for fast growing bacteria like E Coli, overlooks slower growing pathogens
• Analysis is limited to 1 or 2 individual strains of bacteria
• If more than 2 strains are identified, sample is (erroneously) considered contaminated
• If little or no growth in bacteria within 24-48 hours, it is considered negative.
• Cannot identify biofilms, the primary cause of chronic UTIs

Advanced DNA Testing Provides Comprehensive Diagnosis
This is the state-of-the-art urine testing because it uses DNA detection methods that can quickly determine quantities of multiple organisms.
How It Works
A test kit is sent to your home and you send a urine sample directly to a lab for testing. A PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test is performed by a world class CLIA-certified lab that conducts molecular diagnostics testing for a range of urological conditions and cancer hereditary screening.
The report is delivered to your email within 24-72 hours of receiving it. The report will show results for the top 12 bacteria associated with a UTI and a total of 24 organisms, including fungi; presence of biofilms is also reported.
Pros and Cons
• Identifies even the most uncommon bacteria
• Shows combinations of bacteria if co-existing in urine
• Recommends which antibiotics will work best for identified bacteria
• Identifies biofilms
• Convenient, done at home
• Fast turnaround of results
• More expensive

Stay UTI Free with The New "Clear and Protect" Program
Add a jar of D-Mannose powder to your monthly cranberry subscription. You need to be sure that your bladder is completely clear of bacteria before starting on the Cranberry Plus capsules.
Goodbye UTI D-Mannose Powder
Each jar of D-Mannose contains 30 servings. Take 1 scoop a day along with your cranberry capsule until the jar is empty.
Goodbye UTI Cranberry Plus
Uses the power of 36 PACs per capsule to coat the lining of the bladder wall. 1 capsule per day will ensure that your stay UTI free.