News – Goodbye UTI at The Newtriment Store



  • D-Mannose Is Safe and Effective For Older Cats

    When older cats begin to drink a lot of water, it is likely a sign that they are having bladder problems, and specifically a urinary tract infectio...
  • What Causes UTIs in the Elderly?

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the elderly (people over age 80), are caused by several factors that increase their susceptibility. These inclu...
  • Confusion and UTIs: The Often-Missed Diagnosis

    Almost everyone has a story about an elderly family member or friend who suddenly began acting strangely.  Within a 24-hour period they became con...
  • How to Prevent UTIs in the Elderly

    Preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the elderly involves a combination of education, lifestyle adjustments, ongoing monitoring and preve...
  • Common UTI Symptoms In The Elderly

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the elderly often present with a variety of symptoms that differ from those seen in younger individuals. UTIs a...
  • New York Times Article On UTI's and The Antibiotics Crisis

    Highlights an issue which has been an increasing focus of medical news for the past few months: UTI's, one of the most common infections, and once easily treated with antibiotics, are becoming a serious health problem.
  • 60 Minutes Segment on the Antibiotics Crisis

    Urinary-tract infections are the most common of all bacterial infections in the United States, and the E Coli bacteria which cause them are becoming immune to antibiotics.
  • Is It A Chronic UTI or Something Else?

    Many women are frustrated that they can’t get relief from ongoing urinary tract infection symptoms.  Getting to the root cause of the symptoms is...
  • Benefits of Dietary Supplements

    At Goodbye UTI, we offer natural UTI supplements to help protect your body from recurring infections. Perhaps you already take multivitamins or o...
  • Alzheimer’s or UTI Onset?

    With September slated as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, Goodbye UTI is using this time to educate caregivers at long term care facilities and at h...
  • Supplements for UTIs Are Finally Being Taken Seriously

    Supplements for UTIs Are Finally Being Taken Seriously Amid the antibiotic crisis, the scientists are winning.  T...
  • Why You Need to Drink More Water

    Dehydration is a major cause of UTIs.  The bladder needs lots of water to stay healthy and clear of bacteria In today’s post, we’ll take a look a...